Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dancing With Christ

I was dancing before the Lord, who chose me above your father and all his family! He appointed me as the leader of Israel, the people of the Lord, so I celebrate before the Lord. Yes, I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in your own eyes! But those servant girls you mentioned will indeed think I am distinguished.” 2 Samuel 6:21-22

A dancer who was at her peak of her career was devastated when she was diagnosed with cancer. The treatment had left her weak and breathless and she was unable to continue her dancing career. The story of king David dancing before the Lord gave me the insight that when we are unable to dance physically, we can learn to dance spiritually with God. Stacy Hawkins Adams in her book, Who Speaks to Your Heart, shares the view that living in ways that reflect God's goodness, graciousness and unconditional love is dancing to God's rhythm.

To do so, we need to choose to live a joyful life that is God centered and care free rather than a life that is burdened by the cares of the world and status symbols. We dance, according to Stacy, because it is a form of praise to God for his unconditional love and for the blessings we do not deserve.

We don't dance because we are without sin or that we are perfect. She also makes the point that dancing means loving God without self-consciousness. When we do so we will not attack others for their lack of faith or impose legalistic practices to earn God's love.

Stacy gives us a timely reminder that no one wants to be preached to or force fed the message of Christianity or the Word of God. The best way to share the messages of salvation and faith is by how we live, talk and treat others. She quoted St Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.”

It dawned on me that meeting in small groups is learning to dance to the rhythm of God's heart beat with Jesus as Lord of our lives.  It has been noted that God designed our relationships with one another to be a diagnostic tool as well as the cure.  Our relationships are to expose the deceitfulness that lies deep in our hearts.  As we become aware of our negative thoughts and unhealthy feelings, we can bring them to the Cross of Christ in prayer so that they may be changed  and our lives transformed. As we do so, the Holy Spirit will bind us together as the Body of Christ. 

When Jesus is not Lord in our meetings, our egos will lead us into fruitless and futile discussions about the bible instead of feeding on the Living Word of God to nurture our souls. So let us learn to dance with Christ with hearts filled with gratitude instead of guilt. Let us rejoice in Christ our Lord so that our lives will be shining beacons of light that draws others from this dark and sorrowful world into God's Kingdom of Love. 

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